Impact Imaging


We Also Think
About Sustainability.

The team at Impact Imaging is dedicated to environmental
and social sustainability.

It is of paramount importance we transition to materials that allow us to reduce our footprint on our eco-system so that future generations will continue to have the opportunity to live and prosper in it. We believe this is a critically important responsibility and maintain it throughout our business decisions. To that end, we have partnered with trusted suppliers who share our commitment to the environment, actively seeking out the most eco-friendly materials/production methods and recycling the bulk of our paper, plastics and offcuts.

We are also proud to say Impact Imaging is carbon neutral!

We work with Less Emissions, Canada’s highest quality carbon offset provider and use Gold Standard certified carbon offset credits which contribute to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Purchasing emission reductions from projects that support sustainable development in vulnerable communities ensures that offsetting also contributes to climate justice, improving the lives of those least responsible for the problem and least economically equipped to adapt to the changing conditions caused by climate change.  To learn more about Less Emissions, visit, and to learn more about the Gold Standard, visit

We recognize the importance of further addressing the environmental impact of our industry.

We are reducing the carbon emissions footprint of our operations and supporting renewable energy in Canada by choosing green natural gas for our headquarters through our partnership with Bullfrog Power, a Spark Power company.

But we aren’t stopping at Carbon Neutral (Net Zero). We will also be working closely with our trusted suppliers to trial and test more sustainable products and materials as they come to the market in order to further reduce the environmental Impact (no pun intended) of our products. Our mantra remains: reduce, reuse, recycle – while maintaining the high quality you have come to expect from us.